The Politics of Comedy with (l-r) Simon Fanshawe, Kate Copstick and Tommy Sheppard at the Festival of Politics

The Ross Fountain below Edinburgh Castle, West Princes Street Gardens, Edinburgh.

Health and Safety Inspectors at the British Waterways' Falkirk Wheel for the Health and Safety Executive's Shattered Lives Campaign

Catering and retail butchers, Jennings of Caversham, directors Max, Nick and Dawson Jennings.

Television presenter Lorraine Kelly at the formal opening of of Edinburgh’s new luxury beauty haven.

Participants are encouraged to wear masks over their eyes to simulate blindness, whilst listening to a recording at the Scottish Parliament Community's Partnerships Project event.

Maintenance, repairs and restoration services available at Better Boating, Reading.

The members of staff at Veterans First Point, Charlotte House, Edinburgh.

Diane Abbott MP speaks at the Festival of Politics

Better Boating from the River Thames

The National Youth Choir of Scotland's 30th Anniversary is celebrated in the Garden Lobby at the Scottish Parliament with the Presiding Officer, Alex Fergusson MSP and Julian Clayton, Chief Executive of the National Youth Choir of Scotland

Maintenance workers inspect the inside of the central spindle of the British Waterways' Falkirk Wheel.

Photographer graduate Carolyn Scott poses outside the Scottish Parliament where she was a finalist in a competition to take a photographic portrait of the Queen

The Politics of Comedy with (l-r) Simon Fanshawe, Kate Copstick and Tommy Sheppard at the Festival of Politics

Health and Safety Executive Director for Scotland, Paul Stollard at the Royal Highland Show in Edinburgh.

Moorings at Better Boating